v0.51 Kara 5 is alive

- Working UV light

- Adjusted flashlight upgrades

- Relationship and Quests with Kara 5

- Added multiple fishing rods

- Added fishing bait (not working yet)

- Added new icons and tweaked various loot values

- Fixed "invalid loot" bug

- Scanning no longer stops working if a flying citizen isn't released. 


It's recommended that you download the game through the itch app rather than through a web browser.

Please run the LOW-FI.exe file directly (rather than through the itch launcher) for the VR version.

Run "LOW-FI Non-VR.bat" for Non-VR version 

Open "instructions.txt" for general development information/instructions and "changelog.txt" for change log history

For Emulation information open "LOW-FI_Emulator_Guide.html"

For Custom radio station add your own music to c:\users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\IRIS VR\LOW-FI\


low-fi-dev_build.zip 13 GB
Version 51 Mar 20, 2023


Buy Now$35.00 USD or more


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Hi, Any progress on the bindings for altitude on the Rift? Used to be able to ascend/descend, not anymore. I tried using the backspace key to rebind while in flight, but there isn't an interface to rebind controls.Thanks...

Big fan every since Technolust. In fact, I was wondering where I might find a copy. I use to own it. Even have the receipt still. But not the download. Anyway, great job with both!

just bought this - is there a discord?

There is.. but it's top secret.

Send me a message at my name here at gamil.com and I'll send you a link.

Thanks for another update! Did the controller bindings change when driving? My right index controller thumbsticks used to let me change altitude up or down when driving, even when stationary, like up/down thrusters. But now my right thumbsticks just angle the cruiser's nose up/down, same as the left thumbsticks.

Thank for the report. I'll look into this. 

Is this in VR or non-VR? They're both different currently, which needs to be sorted out and standardized. 

Hi, this is in VR, using an Index with the knuckles controllers. Sorry I didn't specify. Thanks again for your amazing work, LOW-FI is already an extraordinary experience and it just keeps getting better. 


Mine scrot doth ache in anticipation!! 🙂👍🏻♥️


These Folks are the Best!!! Thanks' for the Update


Nice update, and it is running very smoothly. Thank you.